Speen WI

Welcome to Speen WI

2025/26 Programme

Speen WI meets on the first Thursday of every month in Speen Village Hall at 7.30pm.

The WI is the largest women’s organisation in England and Wales with over 200,000 members. Each WI is unique and aims to offer a variety of events for its members.

At our monthly meetings we usually have a speaker but there is always time for a social chat as well as hearing an update on all current WI activities.

We aim to appeal to all ages with our topics, the village diary page on this website lists details of forthcoming speakers.  There is also a round up of recent and future activities and plans in the WI article in the Speen and North Dean news.

In addition to our monthly meeting, Speen WI is also involved with local group and national WI activities.  We also arrange social outings including open gardens, theatre visits and pub lunches.

Visitors will be made very welcome at any of our meetings- come and try us, there is no obligation to join but if you decide to the annual fee is just £45.00.

Warm regards

Pat Anderson – President of Speen WI

Contact us at speenwi@gmail.com


Recent Events

Results of Our Visit From Pot-tastic in November 2024