Speen Environmental Action Group (SEAG)


Welcome to the SEAG page.  

We live in a beautiful part of the world and sometimes it is difficult to comprehend the awful things that are happening to our planet and to understand the ways in which our lives may have contributed to this.  We look to find positive ways of enhancing, protecting and sustaining our environment and all the forms of life within it.  We invite everyone in Speen and the surrounding area to join us, as many already have, as we embark on exciting projects, events and campaigns.

We hope you will enjoy reading some articles each month about climate change, biodiversity and the group’s forthcoming events.  Please join us with your ideas and be part of something amazing in your local area.

The SEAG Committee are hoping that as 2023 develops we will be able to tackle some bigger projects together and continue publishing helpful information and advice. We are currently looking for new Committee members if you would be interested in discussing this with us; and any other comments and ideas please send them to us.  Please also talk to friends and family as we all take these essential steps to a net zero carbon future together.
In the immediate future we want to continue the tasks that Gloria regularly set us – Litter Picking in and around Speen to help keep our beautiful village clean and tidy. Yes, it’s time for the Spring Speen Clean. The flyer is reproduced above, but you can download it by Clicking Here. and see all of the details, and may be print off a few copies to drop round your neighbours to encourage them to join you on Sunday 24th March, as well as sharing some well deserved tea and cake afterwards.

Any comments, thoughts and ideas or to join our mailing list please email seag@btinternet.com.

Bucks County Council released their Climate Change Strategy recently. You can access it at https://buckinghamshire.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=337&MId=337&Ver=4 

SEAG is affiliated to Bucks Climate Action Alliance. Please access the website: https://bucksclimateactionalliance.org Here you can see a considered response to this strategy and the work of a wide variety of groups around Buckinghamshire.


Group Coordinator 
Jane Farley
(jane.farley2@btinternet.com 01494 488749)