What’s on in Speen and North Dean

Date Event Where   Contact / More Info
Sundays 10.30am Regular Service of Worship Speen Chapel  Timothy Deller or website
1st & 3rd Sundays
Every Sunday 10am
All Tuesdays 9:30am
8am BCP Holy Communion
Parish Communion
Said Communion Service
St John’s Church,
Lacey Green

see Pew Sheet

Thurs 4th July WI – KGB Remembered
Speaker – Keith Muras

Speen Village Hall – 7:30pm Jenny Pearce
Tel 562333
Sun 7th July Princes Risborough Rotary Club – CHARITY RAMBLE
Wades Park – Princes Risborough – Chiltern Hills
Sat 13th July Speen Fete
2 to 5 pm

Speen Playing Fields

Flyer   More Info
Clare Morris

Thurs 18th Dementia Coffee morning Chapel Hall – 10am to 12pm

More Details

Thurs 1st Aug WI – Summer Social
Speen Village Hall – 7:30pm  Jenny Pearce
Tel 562333
Sat 3rd Aug St John’s Church
Summer Garden Party
Music, Tea & Cakes
2:30 to 5:00
Lane Farm, Church Lane,
Lacey Green

Adults £10, Children £5
Thurs 5th Sept WI -Bucks Recycling
Speaker – Emma Breen
Speen Village Hall – 7:30pm Jenny Pearce
Tel 562333
Sat 14th Sept Comedy Night Fundraiser Lacey Green Village Hall Box Office now open  Here
Thurs 3rd Oct WI – One Can Trust
Speaker – Graham Peart
Speen Village Hall – 7:30pm Jenny Pearce
Tel 562333 
Wed  9th Oct Bridge Afternoon North Dean Village Hall More information Here
Thurs 7th Nov WI -China Painting
Speaker – Vicki Scoble
Speen Village Hall – 7:30pm Jenny Pearce
Tel 562333
Sat  16th Nov SHH – Annual Christmas Market Speen Chapel 11am to 4pm More Information Here
Thurs 5th Dec WI -Christmas Quiz
Speen Village Hall – 7:30pm Jenny Pearce
Tel 562333
Thurs 9th Jan
WI – Celebration Supper
Speen Village Hall – 7:30pm  

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